Weekly Activities
9:30am – Sunday School
10:30am – Worship
11am – Children dismissed to Children’s Church
5:50pm – Children’s Ministry

Children’s Director
Nancy Huey
Our Mission
Our children’s ministry focuses on teaching children about the love of Jesus in a way that they can comprehend. We understand that your children are very precious to you, and so we take extra care in making sure that each child is well taken care of. Aside from randomly scheduled activities, our main focuses are on ministering to kids through: Children’s Church, Sunday School, RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, and Nursery.
Get to know your Children’s Director
Nancy became Children’s Ministry Leader in May 2023.
She was born and raised in Ouachita parish and grew up in Central Baptist Church of Monroe, La. Her and Ron Huey celebrated 43 years of marriage in 2023 with their son, his wife, and their two very active grandsons.
Nancy knew from a young age she wanted to teach. As a young girl she was introduced to the Child Evangelism Fellowship through her aunt and church family. Her love for God grew as her understanding of who He is and what He did for her grew.
Nancy has 36 years of librarian experience as she worked with Ouachita, Livingston, and Lincoln parish libraries. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree of General Studies from ULM and an Advanced degree from Faith Bible Institute in Monroe, La, with training from the Children’s Ministry Institute located in Warrenton, IL
In 1996 Nancy was asked to be the Vacation Bible school director for First Baptist Calhoun and the rest is history. Nancy has served in many areas of children’s ministry over the past ten years: preschool director, assistant to the children’s minister, interim children’s director, and children’s minister. Nancy has a desire for all children to know and love Christ as their personal Savior.
Our Mission
Our children’s ministry focuses on teaching children about the love of Jesus in a way that they can comprehend. We understand that your children are very precious to you, and so we take extra care in making sure that each child is well taken care of. Aside from randomly scheduled activities, our main focuses are on ministering to kids through: Children’s Church, Sunday School, RA’s, GA’s, Mission Friends, and Nursery.

West Monroe, LA 71292
Email: chenierebapt@yahoo.com
Phone: 318-396-2275